Recently, the Energy Institute (“EI”) confirmed that it will withdraw specification EI-1583 no later than December 31, 2020. However, as detailed in the attached May 2020 IATA, JIG and A4A Bulletin (“Bulletin”), EI-1583 7th edition filter monitors will remain listed in ATA103 and JIG standards. EI has also stated that existing qualifications for such filter monitors will remain valid even after the specification is withdrawn, provided that no changes are made to the design, materials, or construction. Accordingly, Parker Velcon will continue to supply previously qualified 7th edition filter monitors until such time as our barrier filter technology completes Joint Industry commercial aviation field trials.

As emphasized in the Bulletin, all into-plane operators, fuel suppliers, and airline customers must continue to conduct their own analysis of the risks associated with the use of filter monitors. As indicated by IATA, JIG and A4A, the decision to use filter monitors has always been, and will remain, the risk and responsibility of the end users and operators.

Finally, Parker Velcon already has full qualification for our CDFX® “drop-in solution” water barrier filter technology to EI-1588 specifications. We will continue to work diligently on concluding the Joint Industry commercial aviation field trials.

Download the official Parker Velcon announcement here:

Parker-Velcon-EI1583-Filter-Monitor-LEGAL V1 6-8-2020

Update on EI 1583 7th Edition Filter Monitors