With the recent clarification in JIG Technical Newsletter 9 (24 Feb 2021), it is clear that operators are now able to include new filter technologies yet to be included in the JIG standards, such as the Parker Velcon CDFX water barrier filter, as part of their Transition Plan which JIG members are encouraged to develop by the end of March 2021. Monitors can still be used up to 31 July 2023 so this will allow operators to fully evaluate the effectiveness of the CDFX for themselves. An excerpt from JIG TN9 is shown below:
The Parker Velcon CDFX water barrier filter is expected to be approved for use by JIG in the 2Q or 3Q of 2021. Current field trials have demonstrated positively that it is effective at removing both particulates and water as per the EI 1588 specification, giving operators and airlines peace of mind.
As a true drop-in replacement to the 2” monitor elements, there is no need to install a water sensor or to perform any other modification to the refuelling vehicle, as well as to negate any annual calibration requirements of such sensors. This translates to significant cost savings in capital investment on vehicle modification, as well as reduce maintenance costs, and potential down-time.
More importantly, operating with the CDFX is no different from operating with monitor elements (with the exception of a higher changeout differential pressure of 22psi). It does away with any complicated operating procedures as highlighted in JIG Bulletin 130 when operating with DDF + EWS.
On a separate note, Parker Velcon is also expected to launch its own Water-In-Fuel (WIF) electronic water sensor before the end of the year. It will comply with EI 1598 and can be used as an alternative to Chemical Water Detectors. Using only a 1/4” port, the ease of install and a low price-point relative to what is currently available, the WIF will make it a very attractive option for operators who would like a water sensor that is more cost-effective and easier to maintain.